Alpe Adria Cinema - Trieste Film Festival - Reviews from across the web
| - feature item - 16th Trieste Film Festival – Alpe Adria Cinema - Elke de Wit This is vigilante glorification taken to its logical conclusion. As a directorial debut Muxmäuschenstill is admirable and highly original, but more astounding still is that the lead role is taken by the director himself. Marcus Mittermeier walks a tightrope between the mundane realism of a holi...
Trieste Film Festival — an FFW festival profile The 17th edition of Alpe Adria Cinema – Trieste Film Festival is nowadays the most rich and articulated Italian film festival devoted to the cinema from Central and Eastern Europe and beyond. The Festival, run by artistic director Annamaria Percavassi, owes its international well-establish prestig...
Untitled Document from the 1996 works with Alpe Adria Cinema at the course of the "Meeting of the Middle-Eastern European Cinema" and of the "Trieste Film Festival" to award the "Sarajevo Prize", and "The Mediterranean Laboratory International Prize" to the best short in compet... - feature article - Festival Review - Dispatch: Trieste Film Festival, 19-26 January 2006 by Elke de Wit treads the now-familiar territory of how wonderful it was in the old East Germany and how difficult it all is now The Wall has come down. Only in this case we soon realise that everything wasn't so rosy for Marcel in the old East Germany either, since he always suffered from self-delusion. His grand...