Arlington Restaurant & Diner - Reviews from across the web
review of arlington restaurant & diner - arlington, ma, 02474-8601 - portsmouth citysearch for lunch or dinner, its typical diner fare. but the price is right, people know who you are, and the food is good enough. for breakfast however, this is the ...
arlington restaurant & diner - arlington, ma, 02474-8601 - portsmouth citysearch a fairly nondescript exterior belies an energetic, 1950s diner feel. kitschy pink and powder-blue booths dot a spacious dining area filled with locals and business types chatting over sizeable breakfast or lunch plates. the pace is hectic, but blonde veteran waitress...
arlington restaurant & diner - arlington, ma, 02474-8601 - portsmouth citysearch massachusetts ave arlington, ma the scenea fairly nondescript exterior belies an energetic, 1950s diner feel. kitschy pink and powder-blue booths dot a spacious dining area filled with locals and business types chatting over sizeable breakfast or lunch plates. the pace ...