Classics in the City Landhaushof , Herrengasse 16, (Innere Stadt), Graz, 8010 |
This, arguably the most beautiful courtyard in Graz, was selected to host classical music to a large audience. Although typically considered exclusive, classical music has become accessible for many thanks to the Classic... more
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Congress Innsbruck Rennweg 3, Innsbruck, 6020 |
Congress Innsbruck as a convention centre combines international standard with Tyrolean charm and stands for the unique symbiosis between nature and pulsating city life. Situated next to the Old town and in walking-dista... more
REVIEWS ( 15 ) |
Copacabana Friedhofgasse 20, Graz, 8020 |
Das Haller Rathaus Wallpachgasse 5, Tourismusverband Hall in Tirol - Thaur, Hall in Tirol, 6060 |
The remarkable historic townhall is situated approximately 10 km from Innsbruck, in the centre of the old-city of Hall, Tyrol. It is found directly on Oberer Stadtplatz. The...
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das mobel Burggasse 10, Vienna, 1070 |
Vienna is famous for its cafe culture; everyone has their preferred venue and style of coffee. But at Das M�bel having a favorite seat takes on new meaning: they're all different, they change on a regular basis, and yon ... more
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Denkmal der Roten Armee Schwarzenbergplatz, Vienna, 1010 |
At the southern end of Schwarzenbergplatz lies the Russian Heroes' Monument, a "gift" from the Russian people commemorating the liberators of Vienna. Under the terms of the State...
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Der heilige Rupert Nonnberggasse 2, Salzburg, 5020 |
At some point in the period 710-720 a bishop named Rupert left Worms and set foot on Salzburg soil. He began erecting a main church, a monastery and a convent (Nonnberg Convent) upon the ruins of the abandoned old Roman ... more
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Diagonale Farbergasse 15 (Buro), (Variiert - Thalia, Schubert, Rechbauerkino, KIZ), Graz, 8010 |
The Big DIAGONALE Prize ( 25,000) for the best Austrian cinema film of the year, the DIAGONALE Prize for Innovative Cinema ( 9,000) for the best animated, experimental, or short film/video, the DIAGONALE Priz... more
REVIEWS ( 1 ) |
Die historische Altstadt Innsbruck Christian Kayed, Dr. Barbara Knoflach-Zingerle, Stolzstrasze 13, Hall in Tirol, 6060 |
Christan Kayed and Barbara Knoflach-Zingerle offer this unique city tour of Innsbruck under the title: "Do you know Innsbruck?". It really should not be missed. Not typical of...
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Die Residenz Residenzplatz 1, Salzburg, 5020 |
The historic center of Salzburg has four main squares situated next to one another: Domplatz, Kapitelplatz, Mozartplatz, and Residenzplatz. Residenzplatz is the largest of the four. In the center of the square is Residen... more
REVIEWS ( 2 ) |