Tiergarten Hellbrunn Hellbrunn 3, Salzburg, 5020 |
The beautiful landscape provides a wonderful setting for viewing the diverse animals of the Zoo Hellbrunn, located just south of Salzburg. Chamois, otter, white rhinoceros, and antelope share large outdoor enclosures. Yo... more
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Therme Oberlaa-Wien Betriebsges.m.b.H., Kurbadstrasze 10, Vienna, 1100 |
Modern, clean, and with all the facilities (and more?) you would expect from a small spa 30 minutes by metro and tram from Vienna city centre. Chill out here for the day, you won`t regret it! And it´s...
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Therme Loipersdorf Loipersdorf 152, Loipersdorf, 8282 |
Therme Loipersorf is one of the largest spa compounds in Austria. It offers a range of facilities including a tropical garden, a 150m slide and an aptly named Acapulco pool. The extensive wellness and sauna complex has t... more
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Thermalbad Bad Voslau Maital 2, Bad VoSLAU, 2540 |
Two outdoor swimming pools with a difference, in which you can spend a day away from the buzzle of the city, are to be found in the public thermal bath Bad V�slau, which is situated right in the centre of this thermal to... more
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Theater an der Wien Linke Wienzeile 6, Vienna, 1060 |
On the face of it there would seem to be little competition with the State Opera. Rather than presenting a different opera every night, the Theater an der Wien operates on the stagione system, presenting one production a... more
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Tegetthof Denkmal Praterstern, Wien, 1010 |
As the Praterstra�e broadens out into the Praterstern junction, you will notice a splendid 16m high column topped by the statue of Admiral Tegetthof, the Austro-Hungarian Empire's most glorious naval hero.The work of arc... more
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Teddytours Dornbacher Strasze 79/2, Wien, 1170 |
A teddy tourist group consists of up to 15 individuals and is visiting the most interesting sightseeing places, guided by an experienced tour guide. The teddy is travelling back with an individually produced photo album ... more
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Technisches Museum Mariahilfer Strasse 212, Wien, 1140 |
We planned to visit the summer palace (Schonbrunn). Since it is reached from the same subway station as the Museum of Technology (Technischesmuseum) and my husband is a technology nut, we decided to kill...
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Tanzsommer Graz Sackstrasze 29, International TANZSOMMER Graz & Partner (Organizer), Graz, 8010 |
As every year the Tanzsommer Graz 2006 presents a variety of traditional and contemporary dance Companies in the opera house. On the 6. July the Tanzsommer will be opened by a Gala night whitch culimiates in MARACAN�, a ... more
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Tanzsommer Burggraben 3, Innsbruck, 6020 |
Internationaler Tanzsommer Innsbruck brings the world's premiere dance companies to Innsbruck between mid-June and mid-July. Maracana, Brazil's Grupo Corpo, and Sankai Juku are some of the groups that have recently perfo... more
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