Basler Papiermuseum - Reviews from across the web
Swiss Museum for Paper - Basel Paper Mill At the splendidly restored medieval Gallician paper mill, not only historical objects are on show that relate the history of paper, fonts, and printing. This unique museum also shows the practical use of the old techniques and lets visitors try their hand at di...
The Paper Mill and - Museum, Basel - IgoUgo Reviews The Gallizia mill is one of the old mills built by the monks that lived and worked here. Nowadays, the house (the mill) hosts the Paper Museum and Museum for Print. Basels Paper used to be famous, and many medieval scholars le...
Basler paper mill / Museum (Basel) - In the historical areas one receives view of the old handicraft techniques of the paper creation, printering and the book binding on the basis from pictures and objects. In the particularly furnished visitor hut children can scoop their own paper and in the museum can one on a small departure press ...