Brady Theater - Reviews from across the web
Brady Theater Brady Theate...
Brady Theater- Tulsa, OK Beautifully restored 2,800 seat historic entertainment center that was built in 1914 and features a variety of seating styles. Symphonic and popular music events, dances, musicals, theater performances, and ringsid...
Hotels & Motels near The Brady Theater - Tulsa, OK Relevant abbreviations, variants, misspellings: ok. okla okla. concert tour entertainment venue show event performance auditorium theater theatre center centre coliseum performing arts comedy playhouse hall pavilion sports arena ampitheater amphitheatre amphitheater oaklahoma oklahome oklhoma near n...
Brady Theater, Tulsa - IgoUgo Reviews Located in downtown Tulsa and listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Brady Theater is a vital part of Tulsa history. Built around 1910 as the Tulsa Convention Hall, this 2,700-seat venue has been well preserved and is still in operation, hosting numerous concerts and sporting events...