Burger Basket - Reviews from across the web
Burger Basket, Salem, OR : reviews Good burgers and a diverse menu. Not sure if it's really worth the price, though, and the fact that they don't take debit/credit was a big turn off. Spending an extra $2.50 on their ATM to get money to pay them almost got me to walk out without food or paying. Between the prices and the fact that I ... local.yahoo.com
Burger Basket, Salem, OR - Oregon - tribe.net The Burger Basket has been around forever, well, almost, and they have the most wonderful burgers in Salem. Service is great and fast, the prices are good, you get your burger in the size you want and just like you ordered it every time, a... oregon.tribe.net
Burger Basket - Restaurants and Bars - Salem - Oregon - United States - GoSeeOregon.com For me, the trip to Salem with colleagues is MADE by the post-meeting jaunt to the Burger Basket. Forget the Roadside Grill, this place has it all. This is cash-only burger joint hearkening to the 50's era pre-chain experience. Handmade patties, giant burgers...don't forget the fried egg or ham on t... goseeoregon.com
Eat Salem: Burger Basket later. The patty was cooked very well done. This thing was charred and looked like a hockey puck. I thought that it may just be that way for the chili burger, for some reason, but as I looked at my kids burgers theirs were also burnt. In fact, on one of them, the patty was so dry, part of it broke o... eatsalem.blogspot.com