Delaware Art Museum - Reviews from across the web
Delaware Art Museum | Museum/Attraction Review | Wilmington, DE | - expert review The Delaware Art Museum has taken up residence in the Bank One Center on the Riverfront -- but only until their newly expanded home opens in the fall of 2004. The Downtown Gallery is impressive, a good representation of the museums c...
Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, DE, Brandywine Valley The all new Delaware Art Museum re-opened in June of 2005 after completing a $30 million, three-year redesign that involved a recasting and renovation of the existing 60,000 square foot building with additions of over 40,000 square feet. There is a new Museum Café which seats 40 indoors with an...
Delaware Art Museum The Helen Farr Sloan Library houses over 30,000 volumes that include monographs, exhibition catalogues, periodicals, reference works, and extensive vertical files relating to individual artists. The scope of the Library reflects the Museum's permanent art collection. The Library is a non-circulating...
Delaware Art Museum Complementary to the Pyle collection, the Library also collects manuscript materials of Pyle's students. Important collections exist for artist/illustrators such as Gayle Porter Hoskins, Bertha Corson Day Bates, Elizabeth Shippen Green, N.C. Wyeth, Stanley Arthurs, Harvey Dunn, Katherine Pyle, and M...
Northern Delaware Museums and Spas, the Delaware Art Museum called Pegafoamasaurus. The children (and adults) have a number of doors, ranging in size from about three feet tall to eight feet tall, from which to choose to enter the gallery. Once inside, the walls are covered with pegs about 2 inches in diameter and 5 inches long, spaced about a foot apart. In...
Delaware Art Museum - Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood By the late 1860s, new artists, including Edward Burne-Jones, Simeon Solomon, and Albert Moore, were introduced into the Pre-Raphaelite coterie, bringing fresh influences and issues to the table. This influx of new individuals led to the subtle merging of Pre-Raphaelitism with what is now referred t...
Delaware Art Museum Presents Gifted Recent Additions To The Permanent Collection: related news @ Big Blog display space, 6,000 square feet of changing exhibit gallery, a research and archive library, a 1,000-seat performance amphitheater, and a 4,500-square-foot events gallery. To understand the iconic significance of Woodstock, the architects say that the project will help younger visitors grasp the vi...
Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, DE : Reviews and maps - Yahoo! Local Patrons of the Delaware Art Museum will find an extensive collection of British Pre-Raphaelite, John Sloan, American illustration, 19th and early 20th century American art and contemporary American art at the Delaware Art Museum. A non-circulating library of over 30,000 volumes, temporary exhibits, ...
Visitors Center: Museums & Galleries The Delaware Art Museum has special exhibitions ranging from classical to modern. The Museum's permanent collection contains extensive works by Bancroft, Wyeth, and Howard Pyle, as well as notable collections of works by "Brandywine School" and Pre-Raphaelite artists. The art museum also o...