Birgitta Festival Merivalja Street 18, Pirita Convent, Tallinn, 11911 |
Eesti pealinna Tallinna p�nevasse vaatamisv��rsusse, ajaloolise Pirita (P�ha Brigitta) kloostri varemeisse asus 2005. aasta suvel�pul esmakordne unikaalne muusika- ja teatrifestival. �Birgitta festival� p�rib t�usta Tall... more
REVIEWS ( 3 ) |
Kiek in de Kok Komandandi 2, Tallinn, 10130 |
Now the tower contains an interesting museum relating to the defences of Tallinn and the various wars and sieges that the city, and tower, has witnessed. Exhibits include two cannons, which, like the tower, have great mo... more
REVIEWS ( 7 ) |
Estonian Music Days Lauteri Street 7, Estonian Composers Union, Tallinn, 10145 |
The Estonian Music Days belongs among the most important music events in Estonia. Annually, circa 30 brand-new compositions get premiered at the festival that is co-organised by the Estonian Composers’ Union and the Es... more
REVIEWS ( 1 ) |
Gloria Veinikelder Muurivahe 2, Tallinn, 10146 |
Gloria veinikelder is so well hidden amongst a winding array of cave-like corridors and alcoves, themselves behind the Gloria wine store, one would think it was a speakeasy - an instant and obvious charmer. Until the oth... more
REVIEWS ( 1 ) |
Tallinn FoodFest Pirita Road 28, Estonian Fair Centre, Tallinn, 10127 |
Toidumessi kui �rilt-�rile-t��pi kontaktmessi eesm�rgid ja olemus on algusaastatega v�rreldes muutunud. Enam t�htsust on omandanud kutsev�istlused, konkursid ja seminarid. Sel aastal olid messiprogrammis mitmed tiitliv�i... more
REVIEWS ( 6 ) |
Taagepera Castle Taagepera Village Helme Rural Municipality, Taagepera Village, 68501 |
The history of the castle situated on the Latvian border begins in the 16th century, when it belonged to the von Rehbinders. Its Estonian name, Takelberg or Tagaper, originates from the von Stackelbergs(1694- 1796). The ... more
REVIEWS ( 3 ) |
David Oistrakh Festival Gonsiori 21-710, (Organisers), Tallinn, 10147 |
In 1990, M.Sirmais founded the youth choir “Kamēr...”. Under his leadership, the choir has won wide recognition in Latvia and abroad. In 1997, Sirmais was awarded his first Great Music Award of Latvia. L... more
REVIEWS ( 6 ) |
National Library of Estonia TOnismagi 2, Tallinn, 15189 |
The new site of the National Library, an eight-storey building, was constructed between 1985 and 1993. Both the library building and its interior were designed by Estonians - architect Raine Karp and designer Sulev Vahtr... more
REVIEWS ( 4 ) |
Tallinn Botanical Garden Kloostrimetsa tee 52, Tallinn, 11913 |
There are around 2400 taxons in the greenhouse plants collection (with 2100 m² of glassed-in surface area). Beside the plant groups which are widely recognized and which grow in broad areas (palms, cactuses, thick-leave... more
REVIEWS ( 5 ) |
Tallinn Zoo Paldiski mnt 145, Tallinn, 13522 |
Tallinn Zoo lies on the western outskirts of the city. The visitor number lies around 600.000 a year, probably mostly locals, - I doubt that many tourists find their way out there (though bus 21 and trolley 7 will take y... more
REVIEWS ( 3 ) |