Kuhhirtenturm Grosze Rittergasse 118, Frankfurt am Main, 60594 |
High rises; banks and modern architecture have made Frankfurt one of the most contemporary cities in the world. The European Central Bank is headquartered here. Apart from that, Frankfurt also houses a lot of banks like ... more
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Deutschordenshaus Bruckenstrasze 3-7, Sachsenhausen, Frankfurt am Main, 60594 |
On remaining Gothic land between 1709 and 1715, a German holy house was built on the Mainübergang between Sachsenhausen and Frankfurt. The building, with its baroque portals...
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Sommerfest Opernplatz Opernplatz, Frankfurt am Main, 60313 |
Every year in early summer the historic square in front of the Old Opera House is transformed into a huge gourmet festival, full of sumptuous food and drink. After a long working...
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Nebbiensches Gartenhaus Bockenheimer Anlage, Frankfurt am Main, 60325 |
This small house, located in one of the leafy park areas around Frankfurt, was originally designed as the home for the wealthy publisher Johann Nebbien. Situated amongst old...
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Leinwandhaus Weckmarkt 17, Frankfurt am Main, 60311 |
In the Middle Ages, this steep-roofed Gothic building was the centre of Frankfurt's rag trade and was the place where cloth was stored, weighed and measured. At the outer wall you can still see the measuring cylinder use... more
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Schillerdenkmal Taunusanlage, Frankfurt am Main, 60329 |
If you think of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe as being Frankfurt's most famous son, the city's second most famous inhabitant is almost certainly the great playwright Friedrich Schille...
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Chinesischer Garten Friedberger Landstrasze/Berger Strasze, Frankfurt am Main, 60311 |
Located next to the Bethmann Park in Bornheim and landscaped in 1990 according to the age old principles of feng shui, the Chinese Gardens are the perfect place to sit back,...
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Liebfrauenkirche Liebfrauenstrasse 4, Frankfurt am Main, 60313 |
The peaceful, concealed courtyard of this Catholic church makes it hard to believe you're in the swirl of the shopping district. Dating from the 14th century, the late-Gothic church still has a fine tympanum relief over ... more
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Fernmeldeturm/Europaturm Wilhelm-Eppstein-Strasze, Ginnheim, Frankfurt am Main, 60431 |
The striking feature of this tower, is its majestic height. It is surely the tallest free-standing structure in Germany at 331 meters. Leaving the height of the antenna at its top, the building's height comes to over 295... more
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Plenarsaal Hessischer Rundfunk Bertramstrasze 8, Frankfurt am Main, 60320 |
After the Second World War, Frankfurt was one of the cities proposed to be the next capital of West Germany. For this reason, the German government commissioned the building...
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