Affentorhauser Affentorplatz 1-2, Frankfurt am Main, 60594 |
The tourists of the Affentorh�user towers have always felt amazed by its sloped roofs. The entrance halls which the towers boast of, are also quite impressive and elegant. You must not miss the square which consists of 3... more
REVIEWS ( 1 ) |
Alte Nikolaikirche Romerberg, Frankfurt am Main, 60311 |
St. Nikolai on the Roemerberg, one of Frankfurt's oldest churches, was built early in the 13th Century during the reign of the Hohenstaufen emperors. It once even functioned as the Court Church. Its Glockenspiel containe... more
REVIEWS ( 2 ) |
Alte Oper Opernplatz 1, City, Frankfurt am Main, 60313 |
If you can afford it, by all means go to a concert at the Old Opera concert hall. Some of the best orchestras in the world give concerts there, and they also have a full program of recitals, pop concerts and musicals. Go... more
REVIEWS ( 7 ) |
Alter judischer Friedhof Battonnstrasze 2, Altstadt, 60311 |
After visiting the street where my grandmother grew up (Schwanenstr. 8), I headed to the Jewish Cemetery (Judischer Friedhof.) While I couldn't get into the cemetery, the outer wall contained the names of the Frankfurt J... more
REVIEWS ( 2 ) |
Altes Bornheimer Rathaus Berger Strasze 314, Frankfurt am Main, 60385 |
This half-timbered baroque house was built in 1759 in the village of Bornheim. It originally belonged to the Rühl family, who produced so many mayors that they eventually...
REVIEWS ( 1 ) |
Altes Rathaus Bergen Marktstrasze, Frankfurt am Main, 60388 |
This famous town hall is located in the small town of Bergen, which now belongs to the city of Frankfurt. With its neighborhood of Bergen-Enkheim, Altes Rathaus Bergen is located near the Train Station of Enkheim. As Fra... more
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Archaologischer Garten Romerberg, Frankfurt am Main, 60311 |
Arch�ologischer Garten is one of the few places in Frankfurt which has a rich collection of the relics of the ancient times. Commonly known as the Archaeological Garden, this is one of the significant sight seeing hub of... more
REVIEWS ( 2 ) |
Auftakt Festival Opernplatz 1, Frankfurt am Main, 60313 |
The event is celebrated in different theaters within Frankfurt's enthralling Alte Oper. The Auftakt Festival celebrates contemporary orchestral and it is considered to be one of the biggest musical events of Germany. The... more
REVIEWS ( 4 ) |
Augustinerkirche Augustinerstrasze 34, Mainz, 55116 |
Having survived the Second World War virtually unscathed, the Augustinerkirche (St. Augustine's) has retained a splendour unusual for this part of Germany. Used as a monastery...
REVIEWS ( 1 ) |
Aum Hari Herderstrasze 23, Frankfurt am Main, 60316 |
Prevention is better than cure. The Aum Hari school of yoga provides seminars and training based on the power of Oriental relaxation and regenerative techniques. The school does...
REVIEWS ( 1 ) |