Gourmet Glasgow - Reviews from across the web
Glasgow: Scotland with style - Gourmet Glasgow Progression would continue into the mid 1970s with the arrival of more ‘individually entrepreneurial’ establishments like The Fountain, La Bonne Auberge, Poachers, The Pendulum and The Ubiquitous Chip in the West End and The Colonial and The Duke of Tourraine in the east. There was now n... seaglasgow.com
Gourmet Glasgow Food and Drink Festival, 2006 On Saturday and Sunday there will also be Auchentoshan Single Malt Scotch Whisky, Thorn-Clarke wine and Laurent-Perrier champagne masterclasses in the adjoining recital room. These will last for approximately 45 minutes and will each feature a presentation on the whisky / wine / champagne and the op... glasgowwestend.co.uk