Waterlooplatz Am Waterlooplatz, Hannover, 30169 |
Waterlooplatz is located on the south-west border of the Old Town in the immediate vicinity of the FIFA World CupTM stadium, which is just five minutes away by foot. The most notable landmark in the square is the Waterlo... more
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Maschsee Rudolf-von-Bennigsen Ufer, (Maschsee), Hanover, 30173 |
In the front part of the picture you see teh little Maschteich in the Maschpark, farer away it�s the big lake Maschsee. MASCH PARK The Masch Park, also called Park of the Twin Towns , is located between the New Town Hall... more
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Galerie Kriegsmann Am Klagesmarkt 10/11, Mitte, Hannover, 30159 |
Bibliotheca Rerum Militarium, Band, 12: Renner, Johann - Heussler, Sebastian. Kriegsmann New Kunstlich Fahnenb�chlein. Das ist: Wie der Fahnen mit sonderlichen Vortheil leicht vnd gering auch zierlich getragen vnd geschw... more
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Hameln Rathausplatz 1, Hameln, 31785 |
you could be forgiven for wondering what the fuss is all about. A series of drab suburbs does nothing to excite the newly arrived. However, at the edge of the inner ring road, there's a large park and the visitor centre.... more
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Stadtpark Clausewitzstrasse, Hannover, 30175 |
Intermingled with the mature landscaping of trees and flowers at the beautiful Herrenhauser Gardens are fountains, walking paths and a grotto. The herb garden contains more than 10,000 different plants, while the Baroque... more
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Zoo Hannover Adenauerallee 3, Hannover, 30175 |
This is quit an attraction. A gorilla mountain. Don't be misguided. These aren't the rare mountain gorilla's. You wont find any of those in a zoo (there is one case where there is a lot of doubt - want a pic , write to m... more
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Altes Rathaus Kobelingerstrasze, Hannover, 30159 |
to construct this hall. First building parts were established in the year 1410. Afterwards, the building got multiplicity of extensions. In the year 1844, a reorganization of the wings took place. At that time,
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Das neue Rathaus Trammplatz 2, Mitte, Hannover, 30159 |
Today, the New City Hall is the residence of the City´s Mayor Dr Herbert Schmalstieg who was first elected in 1972. As Mayor he also heads the city administration. The building is also used by the political bodies ... more
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Stadthalle & HCC Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1-3, Hannover, 30175 |
Hannover Congress Centrum (HCC) consists of the city hall (the Stadthalle), the Niedersachsenhalle, the Glas and Eilenriedehalle; a lot of space for conferences and big events...
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Blindenmuseum Bleekstrasse 22, Kleefeld, Hannover, 30559 |
A part of the Municipal Educational Center for the Blind, this museum displays the progress of the education of the blind for over a century in Germany. There is no such other museum or gallery in Germany that showcases ... more
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