Harmony Vegetarian Restaurant - Reviews from across the web
review of harmony vegetarian restaurant - philadelphia, pa, 19107-2410 - philadelphia citysearch we went with a large group and had banquet, which gave us two of everything (dumplings, appetizers, soups, entrees, etc) to try. it was great, and wound up costing us less than 20 bucks per person. even the suspicious non-veg... philadelphia.citysearch.com
philadelphia | dining | asian/pacific | chinese | harmony vegetarian restaurant | wcities another one of philadelphias excellent vegetarian/kosher chinese restaurants, this small, often crowded, sit-down offers more of the same vegetarian fare as its competitors. the steamed vegetable dumplings ($4.50) are excellent, as are the steak cube hunan style ($9.95) and sizzling beek with black ... wcities.com
harmony vegetarian restaurant - philadelphia, pa, 19107-2410 - philadelphia citysearch best bets include the pan-fried chive dumplings dim sum--savory and ever-so lightly fried--and the imitation pork happy family, with a perfectly crisped assortment of fresh vegetables. feeling adventurous? order the sweet & sour fried whole fish, whose appearan... philadelphia.citysearch.com
north america : usa : philadelphia : restaurant : harmony vegetarian restaurant review despite the menu listings for meat and fish, absolutely everything here is made with vegetables (no eggs or d... frommers.com
harmony vegetarian restaurant - philadelphia, pa, 19107-2410 - philadelphia citysearch n 9th st philadelphia, pa the scene inside and out, harmony looks like any other average chinatown eatery: peach tablecloths, salmon napkins, faux pink carnations on each table, an illusory wall of mirrors that makes the place look twice its ... philadelphia.citysearch.com
restaurant: harmony vegetarian restaurant chinese. fabulous! excellent f... ae.philly.com