Hood River Marina - Reviews from across the web
Columbia Gorge EDA - Port of Hood River Hood River Marina provides recreational opportunities for boaters, windsurfers, swimmers and other activities. The marina has moorage space for 135 vessels, plus 11 boathouses and nine floatplane slips. Marina Park includes a public swim beach, grassy park areas, windsurf schools, picnic areas and r... cgeda.com
Hood River Waterplay Hood River WaterPlay is the premier Windsurfing, Kiteboarding, Catamaran Sailing & Kayaking School in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge. About an hour east of Portland at exi... vantageclub.org
Hood River - Tucker Bridge to Hood River Marina Whitewater River e-Guidebook Put-in: From Hood River, Oregon, head northeast on I-84 to Hwy 35. Head south on Hwy 35 some 6.5 miles and turn right toward the town of Odell. Continue through Odell to Tucker Road and bear right and proceed another 1.5... allaboutrivers.com
Hood River County Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center Elevation 60' / 15 sites. Marine Park is operated by the Port of Cascade Locks. Home of the Sternwheeler Columbia Gorge riverboat, Cascade Locks Historical Museum, visitors' center and gift shop, 37-slip marina, and Thunder Islan... hoodriver.org
NWsource: Travel - Hood River, Oregon Recreation : Windsurfing No serious discussion of important windsurfing locales can avoid acknowledging the Columbia Gorge’s reigning status as a world capital of the sport. Hood River is the center of the windsurfing scene in terms of sailing sites, related businesses, and the sport’s unique subculture. In fact... nwsource.com
Hood River Marina This project, constructed for the Port of Hood River, involved creating a new spit in the Columbia River. Crestline imported 30,000 cubic yards of material to create the new land mass, and excavated and placed roughly 15,000 cubic yards of sand excavated from the river to serve as a launch site for ... crestlineconstruction.com
Hood River: Tucker Bridge to Hood River Marina | Oregon Whitewater Kayaking Routes At high water, above 8 feet, the run provides a fun day of class 3 hole crashing. The first part of the run provides bouncy class 2+ rapids. At mile 1.5, Powerdale Dam requires a portage. Pull to the left shore the moment the dam comes into view and carry boats along the left bank. Below the dam, th... trails.com
Oregon whitewater - Hood River, Central Cascade Range river system that can be paddled as well. This is a fun stretch for whitewater rafting and kayaking, if you don�t want to risk getting wet this place is probably not for you. This section of Hood River has a high uniformity of rapids, the different parts of the stretch seem very alike. The excitemen... riverfacts.com