IMAX Theater - Reviews from across the web
IMAX Chattanooga Theater I took my family some time back and watched a film that literally seemed as though we were traveling through the kelp beds just off the California coast. We felt like we were right there swimming with the sea l...
IMAX 3D Theatre, Chattanooga, TN : Reviews of IMAX 3D Theatre - Yahoo! Travel This is one of the most popular attractions in town, and with good reason. As the IMAX folks say, "It's so's unreal!" The enormous six...
IMAX Theater - Chattanooga - Reviews of IMAX Theater - TripAdvisor This is the first time that we watched a 3D IMAX movie (other IMAX movies we watched are 2D) and it was fabulous! We watched BUGS , and we have to say at first, we cringed at the idea of watching insects at such close distance , but it turned out to be very interesting and very fun. We came out feel...
Imax 3d Theater - Chattanooga, TN After walking around the Aquarium all day, try catching an exciting show at the Imax. The 3D effects are amazing; you'll be blown away. The kids wil...
Chattarati » No Dark Knight IMAX for Chattanooga And all this time I thought Chattanooga was a somewhat intelligent city. This is the stupidest idea that I have heard of. Chattanooga Imax suck, and it only buys in to tourism. I live in Chattanooga, and I will be driving to Nashville to watch Batman on the big Imax screen, it could save me a trip, ...