Kaiserappartements - Reviews from across the web
Kaiserappartements, Vienna, Austria : Reviews of Kaiserappartements - Yahoo! Travel The Imperial Palace was the residence of the Habsburg Emperors until 1918. Today, it is home to the offices of the Austrian president. Parts of the palace are acc... travel.yahoo.com
Kaiserappartements (Imperial Apartments) - Vienna Austria - Review of Kaiserappartements (Imperial Apartments) The Kaiserappartements, on the first floor, are where the emperors and their wives and children lived. To reach the apartments, enter through the rotunda of Michaelerplatz. The apartments are richly decorated with tapestries, many from Aubusson in France. Unfortunately, you can't visit the quarters ... sidestep.com
Hofburg III: Kaiserappartements , Vienna - Reviews of Hofburg III: Kaiserappartements - IgoUgo Sisi’s rooms (all gold and white stucco), which follow, are much more luxurious and almost act as an extension of the Sisi Museum. These chambers, which Sisi crowded with flower arrangements, contain original furniture, furnishings, fittings and displays, although her will, which lies on her desk,... igougo.com
The Imperial Apartments One can see not only the rooms for the officers of the imperial household, the large Audience Hall (with a painting by the Biedermeier painter Peter Krafft) and the Conference Room, where ministers and the crown council held their meetings. But one can also view the office of Emperor Franz Joseph as... wien.info
Hofburg - Kaiserappartements - Silberkammer- Introduction Welcome to the Vienna Hofburg. Join us on a tour where you can see the rooms in the Imperial Apartments, the Sisi Museum and the Imperial Silver Collection. You'll also learn something about the history of the Habsburgs and the Hofburg Palace itself. You'll find useful information about opening hour... hofburg-wien.at
Article - The Imperial Apartments One can see not only the rooms for the officers of the imperial household, the large Audience Hall (with a painting by the Biedermeier painter Peter Krafft) and the Conference Room, where ministers and the crown council held their meetings. But one can also view the office of Emperor Franz Joseph as... info.wien.at