The Longchamp district is centered along the Boulevard Longchamp, which is located northeast of the La Canebière strip. At the eastern end of Longchamp is one of Marseille’s historical landmarks, the Palais Longchamp. This palace is at the end-point of a grandiose aqueduct that used to bring water from the Durance River to Marseille. Below the aqueduct, you’ll find an enormous statue of three muscular women who are below four bulls swimming in a pool.
Inside the Palais Longchamp in its north wing is the Musée des Beaux-Arts, which features paintings by the 18th century Françoise Duparc, cartoon works by the 19th century satirist, Honoré Daumier, contemporary graphics depicting the Black Plague that purged Marseille in the 1720s, and the famous profile of Louis XIV by Pierre Puget.
Attractions Palais Longchamp Musée des Beaux-Arts |