Manhattan Chili Co. - Reviews from across the web
north america : usa : new york state : new york city : restaurant : manhattan chili company review this big, cartoonish, festive theater district restaurant adjacent to dave lettermans ed sullivan theater is a great choice for a casual and affordable meal, especially if you h...
the new york times > travel > new york city guide > restaurant details seafood dishes vie with quesadillas at the newly opened branch of the manhattan chili company, which has replaced sullivans restaurant and broadcast lounge, broadway and 53d street. bruce sterman, an owner, has lightened the look of the two-story space. want ...
restaurant row - restaurant detail manhattan chili co is a spacious family style restaurant with upstairs and downstairs dining. the ambiance is warm and inviting with green curtains, peach color tablecloths and gold color walls. they serve hearty american cuisine w...
gayot restaurant reviews a fun spot for a bowl of chili, fajitas, burgers and wings, along with dynamite margaritas and draft beer. exotic chili renditions range from the texas chain gang with coarse ground beef and smoked jalapenos to the pima city green with g...