Midsommar - Reviews from across the web
The Local - Midsummer: Sweden's real national day No matter. The day you will likely find a proud Swede adorned in traditional dress will be Midsommarafton. They might have a dress rehearsal on the official National Day on 6th June. Midsommar may not be the official day, but it would be difficult to find a Swede anywhere in the world on Midsummer�s... thelocal.se
Flying visit: Gothenburg | Travel | The Guardian Midsummer weekend (June 21-24) is party time all over Scandinavia, but some of the best places are the beaches around Gothenburg, such as the car-free island of Brännö where you c... guardian.co.uk
Midsummer's Dream - Gothenburg - One reader enjoys a long balmy summer in Gothenburg 'The nature' as the Swedes call it, plays a huge part in their culture. However life is not all forests, berries and red-painted cottages, away from the capital. With a directional sense of style and cosmopolitan outlook, Gothenburg leads in the fashion stakes and has a magnetic art scene of its own... cntraveller.co.uk
Midsummer Celebrations in Sweden: Drinking in the Viking spirit in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo Whether it’s true or not is difficult to ascertain – after all, there aren’t many Vikings around that we can stop and ask – but the supposed Viking spirit sure lives on... internationalevents.suite101.com
Been There | Tips | Midsummer and the crayfish festival Midsummer is the longest day and I spent one of the most beautiful nights ever on a beach watching the light not fade. And, if you like seafood, chardonnay and vodka, the crayfish festival is the best way to round off the summer. I lived in Gothenburg for five years and to me it is the heart of Swed... ivebeenthere.co.uk
Celebrate A Swedish Midsummer’s Eve Descended from ancient pagan traditions, Midsummer’s Eve is one of Sweden’s oldest customs. On June 23, the Friday closest to the summer solstice, Swedes across the country head to their country cottages, coming together for traditional games, wreath making, dancing around a maypole and feasting... visitsweden.com