Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Reviews from across the web
Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya | Museum/Attraction Review | Barcelona | The Museu d'Arqueologia occupies the former Palace of Graphic Arts, built for the 1929 World's Fair. It has been attractively restored, with some rooms retaining their Art Deco flavor. The artifacts, which are arranged chronologically, reflect the long history of this Mediterranean port city and sur...
Museu d´Arqueologia de Catalunya (MAC), Barcelona - IgoUgo Reviews You have to start your visit with the Romanesque collection which takes up two floors. The murals are from the 11-13th centuries and have been taken from several of churches in the Pyrenees to prevent their destruction by time and people. They are shown here pasted on the wooden frameworks that repe...
Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya | Barcelona Sights Just downhill to the right of the Palau Nacional, the Museum of Archaeology holds important finds from the Greek ruins at Empúries, on the Costa Brava. These are shown alongside fascinating objects from, and explanatio...
The Archaeology Museum of Catalonia The Archaeology Museum of Catalonia (MAC), following on an archaeological museum tradition that dates back to beginning of the century, came into being as the result of the Museums Law, approved in 1990. As a National Museum it is our aim to conserve, investigate and disseminate information about th...