Ogham Stones - Reviews from across the web
Ogham Stones - Killarney - Reviews of Ogham Stones - TripAdvisor Seven of the eight Ogham stones in this group were discovered in a souterrain at Coolmagort in the nineteenth century and have been set up on this site close to Dunloe Castle. The talles... tripadvisor.com
Ogham Stones, Killarney | MyTravelGuide.com This remarkable set of eight ogham stones hangs on the edge of a road outside Beaufort village. Wonderfully preserved, despite exposure to the elements, they date from 300 AD. Ogham is the oldest known form of Irish writing. It consists of four sets of strokes, each set containing five letters that ... mytravelguide.com
The Ogham Stone - An Introduction to Ogham , a manuscript that contains a collection of Irish sagas, law texts, and genealogies, as well as a guide to the ogham alphabet. Much of the information available on ogham has come from this manuscript (currently housed in the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin) and this information is thought to have bee... ogham.lyberty.com
Ogham stone guide, ogham alphabet, buy a miniature ogham stone, ancient Irish writing, Ogham Stones were originally used as territory boundary markers and later used as markers for burial sites. Many of the stones that survive have been translated to read the name of the person + the name of the father + the name of the tribe. The collection of Ogham letters was known as 'Beth Luis Ni... ballybegvillage.com
Kilgrovan (or Mount Melleray) Ogham Stones - Waterford County Museum The five stones at Mount Melleray were numbered. No. 1 is of green stone, 4 ft. high and 1ft. 3in. wide. It has the inscription in ancient Irish Na Maqi Lugudeca Mucoi Cunea, which translates Na, the son of Lugudecos, the descendant of Cuneos. No. 2 is inscribed Nisigni Maqi Er... which translates N... waterfordcountymuseum.org