Pasta Fazul's - Reviews from across the web
pasta fazul's - 1603 jensen beach blvd., jensen beach italian food in a comfortable warm atmosphere, a nice v...
Pasta Fazul's, Jensen Beach, FL : Reviews of Pasta Fazul's - Yahoo! Travel Pasta Fazul's is typically Italian! Mangia! Mangia! Mangia! It offers beer, wine, and freshly brewed iced tea in a variety of flavors. Generous portions of entree...
Restaurant Row - Restaurant Detail Pasta Fazul's is typically Italian! Mangia! Mangia! Mangia! It offers beer, wine, and freshly brewed iced tea in a variety of flavors. Generous portions of entrees like Balsamic Chicken, Veal Angelica, Sirloin Steak Veneziana, and twin lobster tails grace the menu. Pasta Fazul's has a classic menu f...
Restaurant Reviews & Ratings: Pasta Fazul's Jensen Beach FL Restaurant Restaurants often specialize in one or two types of cuisines. For example, there are ethnic restaurants, vegetarian restaurants or steak restaurants. Restaurants selling indigenous food are typically called restaurants, while restaurants selling food of foreign origin are referenced by the cuisine t...