Scheepvaartmuseum - Reviews from across the web
Scheepvaartmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands : Reviews of Scheepvaartmuseum - Yahoo! Travel Thanks to its many rivers and location on the sea, the Netherlands became a nation of explorers, shipbuilders and merchants. Amsterdam emerged in the Golden Ag...
Maritime Museum (Scheepvart Museum), Amsterdam - IgoUgo Reviews This museum is really for shipping, wooden boat, and maritime history buffs. There's an overwhelming amount of detail and artifacts. Quite a local museum, less popular than the Van Gogh, Anne Frank and Rijksmu...
Maritime/Scheepvaart museum- Amsterdam, Netherlands - Maritime museum The Scheepvaart Museum is closed since Januari 2007 for renovation works. It was a very interesting museum which I visited some years ago. The replica of the VOC (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie) commercial ship Amsterdam can still be visited at the Nemo Science Centre. The original...
Maritime/Scheepvaart museum- Amsterdam, Netherlands - This wonderful ship is outside the museum, The Nederlands ScheepvaartmuseuM and with the ticket you bought there you can also go outside and walk to this ship, go up the steps and take plenty of time to take it all in and feel yourself back in the 17th - 18th Century. This ship sailed to Indonesia, ...
Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum | Amsterdam Sights This was originally built in 1656 as a military depot for the Amsterdam Admiralty after Admiral Tromp refused to salute his British counterparts (thereby sparking a war with those touchy trade competitors). Trading vessels of the East India Company (VOC) came here to be outfitted for their journeys,...
Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam The Maritime Museum is great fun for both young and old visitors. The museum accommodates one of the largest and finest maritime collections in the world, including paintings by Mesdag and Savery, globes and the famous maps drawn by Blaeu. Moored at the jetty is a beautiful replica of the VOC (Dutch...