South Carolina Childrens Theatre - Reviews from across the web
Actress - user review I was one of the main characters in a South Carolina Chldrens Theater production. I thought it was a great experience and it was definately worth the...
where stars are born - user review scct is a great theatre for everyone. providing all kinds of classes for kids and teens. evertime you go to one of SCCTs productions youll be sure to laugh and laugh. e...
Children's theatre - user review South Carolina Childrens Theatre is a great place for little kids, but anyone above the age of ten could find themselves bored out o...
SCCT for me! - user review Ive never seen such quality in a community theatre. It seems everyone involved is like family. We have had a great experience here with challenging classes, great shows an...
Family Enlightenment - user review I absolutly love what this theatre does for our community. I feel that it brings families closer together. A place where kids can express themselves in a way that can shape their li...
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful - user review I am so excited to have found the excellent productions that are given at the childrens theatre. I plan on relocating to the Greenville area and cant wait to be involved w...
A fabulous theatre - user review This theatre provides fun and excitement to the minds of children and adults. Excellent productions! Well worth my trip and well worth seeing another production the next t...