Staigue Fort - Reviews from across the web
Staigue Fort, Killarney | Built as early as 1000BC, Staigue Fort is possibly the best-preserved ring fort in Ireland today. A massive structure, the walls are three feet (four metres) thick at the base and rise to a height of 18 feet (five and a half metres) in places. The fort's astonishingly good condition is a testament t...
Stones of Ireland - Staigue Fort During the 19th century its construction was in turn assigned to such unlikely groups as Phoenicians, Cyclopeans, Danes, and Arch-Druids, while equally implausible theories were put forward concerning its purpose. Local lore has it that the inhabitants were small in stature and they came here in sea...
Irish Monastic Sites: Staigue Fort Cathair Na St�ige (Staigue Fort) is located in Castlecove on the road to Sneem in County Kerry. It is about fours miles off the main road. It is in excellent condition. It is thought that this structure was built in the first century B.C. and so it is over two thousand years old. Little is know abou...
Staigue Fort at Lisleitrim. It is hypothesized that this was the dwelling of one prominent family and the crannog served as a refuge in times of attack (Reading the Irish Landscape, p. 263). Interestingly, at the end of the first century both the ring forts and crannogs were abandoned and the souterrain began to...