Supreme Cat Show - Reviews from across the web
Supreme Cat Show, Birmingham, United Kingdom : Reviews of Supreme Cat Show - Yahoo! Travel See Britain's model moggies each November, as the National Exhibition Centre opens its cat-flap to the Supreme Cat Show. Some of the most famous...
National Wedding Show, Birmingham, United Kingdom : Reviews of National Wedding Show - Yahoo! Travel If you are a bride-to-be, or planning a wedding, visit this year's National Wedding Show. The exhibition at the city's National Exhibition Cent...
Supreme Cat Show - Read Reviews The Supreme Cat Show is the top UK cat show and is held every year at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. This year was it’s 25th Supreme Show and it took place on Saturday, 24th November 2001 in halls 18, 19 and 20 of the NEC. The halls are in the newest part of the NEC complex and ...
Supreme Cat Show - Review - Cats, Cats and More Cats I went to the show with my 2 children, aged 14 and 3. We arrived about 10.30am, I would recommend you use the shuttle bus from the car park to the hall as there is enough walking around the show without having to walk from the car park as well. We had to queue for tickets and this did not seem very ...
Birmingham Attractions | Things to do in Birmingham - Yahoo! Travel Guide UK We and our content providers (“we”) have tried to make the information on this website as accurate as possible, but it is provided ‘as is’ and we accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by anyone resulting from this information. You should ver...
@ Sander - Timeline There's these times in your life when you come to sit back and think 'hold on, I'm - fill in age here -, what's just happened to me ? What's this all about ?'. Those moments where you reflect on your past life. Nostalgic moments really, where contemplate on all those happy, sad, funny, silly things ...
United_States/AL/Birmingham Price ranges indicate the cost of a meal for one person including main course, half an appetizer, one non-alcoholic drink, tax and usual tip,...
Show reports 1999 went to the waco's/sally show saturday at the black cat and had a rollicking great time, dancing more than i have in years. the crowd, sadly, wasnt exactly huge, the advantage of which being that i was able to stand pretty much directly in front of jon, behind one other person. this made it much eas...
Supreme Cat Show Supreme Cat Sho...
The NEC, Birmingham / Supreme Cat Show Whilst every effort is made to ensure that all information included in our website is accurate, users are advised that they should take appropriate precautions to verify such information. The National Exhibition Centre Limited expressly disclaims all liability for any direct, indirect or consequenti...
Supreme Cat Show UK There is also a �Decorated Pen� award: At ordinary GCCF shows the cats spend their day in plain pens with white accessories, with only their pen number to distinguish them, and the judges go from pen to pen to judge the cats. At the Supreme Show the cats are taken to special judging rings, where the...