Teapot Vegetarian House - Reviews from across the web
review of teapot vegetarian house - seattle, wa, 98112-5209 - seattle citysearch this isnt a kid-friendly place. we had a horible experience. my child hated being there, theres nothing kid-friendly abo... seattle.citysearch.com
seattle | dining | asian/pacific | asian | teapot vegetarian house | wcities if you think meatless dining is boring, this restaurant might change your mind. one of seattles foremost vegetarian restaurants, it also features dozens of entrees suitable for vegans. a fountain and fishpond sit squarely in the center of the spacious chinese-s... wcities.com
teapot vegetarian house - seattle, wa, 98112-5209 - seattle citysearch aromatic candles, christmas lights, giant neon teapots on the ceiling and a fountain adorned with beer bottles give the restaurant a kitschy, informal feel. service is friendly, but the line between first and second courses in nonexistent, so expect entrees to... seattle.citysearch.com
teapot vegetarian house - seattle, wa, 98112-5209 - seattle citysearch ave e seattle, wa the scenearomatic candles, christmas lights, giant neon teapots on the ceiling and a fountain adorned with beer bottles give the restaurant a kitschy, informal feel. service is friendly, but the line between first and second courses in no... seattle.citysearch.com
nwsource: venue details - teapot vegetarian house teapot serves vegan pan-asian dishes that are so savory and delicious that even an unapologetic carnivore might be satisfied by them. one of the house specialties, rose chicken o a faux-chicken wing with a bamboo stem for a bo... nwsource.com
I have dined at the... I have dined at the Teapot five times, I received pleasant service by the staff once. Last night I went with with a party of six, and after this experience I will never go b... travel.yahoo.com