Tech Museum of Innovation - Reviews from across the web
Tech Museum of Innovation | Museum/Attraction Review | San Jose, CA | - expert review Now housed in a 132,000-square-foot facility, the Tech Museum allows visitors to grapple with the latest in modern technology. You can create your own virtual roller-coaster ride, survive an earthquake on a giant shake table, operate an underwater ROV (remotely operated vehicle) à la Titanic,...
A fun day in San Jose! - user review My husband, 10 y/o son and I went to the Tech Museum yesterday (Sat.). We spent a couple hours there before lunch then walked across the street to have hamburgers at Peggy Sue's. There ...
Tech -Interesting science museum - also IMAX Theater - user review The Tech Museum in downtown San Jose is a good spot to go if you enjoy science, bioscience, and/or computers. The Tech Museum of Innovation is a hands-on technology and science museum ...
Full 'O Kids - user review My wife and I went to the tech on a Thursday. It was CROWDED with kids. I mean, everywhere. We did not enjoy ourselves much. Most of the exhibits were too crowded with out-of-contr...
Interesting, suited well for small children - user review The museum was interesting and would be fit for younger children. There are a lot of interactive stations that young children can participate in. I would not recommend this for older p...