Thoor Ballylee - Reviews from across the web
Thoor Ballylee - Online Guide to Gort Galway Ireland After the Yeats family moved out in 1929 it fell into disuse , but was restored as 'Yeats Tower' in 1965 and fitted out as a Yeats museum, containing an interesting collection of first editions as well as items of furniture. The adjoining cottage is fitted out as a tea room and shop. The tower has b...
Thoor Ballylee, County Galway, Ireland Her estate, Coole Park, was a retreat for Yeats through his adult years. He first stayed at Coole in a critical summer of his youth when when he was possibly tubercular, and most definitely lovesick with an unrequited passion for Maud Gonne. The devoted Lady Gregory nursed him to health, but even sh...
Thoor Ballylee, Co Galway, Ireland The Thoor itself is a small fortified tower house which was originally built by the De Burca or Burke family, Norman settlers,�during the 1500's and is not in itself either particularly old or remarkable.�But it has a wonderful athmosphere -�you can really feel the presence of the poet Yeats and und...
Thoor Ballylee Visit this beautiful restored tower house which was once the summer home of the poet W.B. Yeats. Thoor Ballylee features an audio visual presentation and push button audio narrations in Irish, English, French, German, Italian & Spanish. Facilites include gardens, picnic area, gift shop, bureau d...
Thoor Ballylee stone bridge (1), a view from the top onto that same bridge (2), and two side views of the cottage (3, 4). My 2003 students line up the bridge and, at the bottom of the page, my 2004 students enjoy the view from the top after exploring the rooms and climbing ...