Urania Sternwarte - Reviews from across the web
Urania Sternwarte, Vienna | MyTravelGuide.com The Urania Observatory, which is owned by the city of Vienna, was opened in 1910. At the end of World War II its cupola, and with it some instruments, had been destroyed. In 1957 the buidling was opened again. People visiting the Observatory, which is the oldest one in Austria open for public visit,... mytravelguide.com
Urania Observatory | Museum/Attraction Review | Zurich | Frommers.com The observatory is halfway between Bahnhofstrasse and the Limmat River on Uraniastrasse. On clear days you can look through the telescope, while on bad days the observatory doesn't open. Call in advance to find out. The observatory has been at this site since 1907. Because of its central location, y... frommers.com
Urania: Homepage During antiquity, Urania was the Astronomy Muse. Today, Urania is trying to inspire you with astronomy and side sciences such as meteorology and astronautics. You can thus choose between a whole range of activities and services : lessons for beginners and experienced, guided tours of the observatory... urania.be
Urania Observatory The Urania Observatory was inaugurated in 1988 og it has the largest refracting telescope in Denmark accesible to the public. The Urania refractor was originally located... nafa.dk