Valtura is a village of 540 inhabitants on the Glavice rise some 2 km to the southwest of Pula. Valtura is a part of Croatian architectural heritage. It was the seat of the Histria federation of Illyrian tribes from the 2nd century BC. This is the town of Nezekacija. Beneath the fortifications of Neze-kacijathe most intense battles between the Historians and the Romans in the course of the great Roman assault on Istria in the year 177 BC took place.
Historian leader Epulon committed suicide upon loosing the final battle. The historic capital of the Istrian state is now a valuable archeological locality visited by numerous tourists. The local church of St. John Evangelist was built in 1899. Nezakacean vases and urns date mainly from the 11th to the 3rd century BC.