Waikiki Wally's - Reviews from across the web
review of waikiki wally's - new york, ny, 10009 - brooklyn citysearch waikki wallys, as the name suggests is like no other. its a hawaiian themed restaurant that goes the fulll length complete with welcoming lays and tropical cocktails. the food ... brooklyn.citysearch.com
waikiki wally's - new york, ny, 10009 - brooklyn citysearch the gods have at long last answered the prayers of nyc tiki devotees with a polynesian outpost that doesnt miss a trick. an elaborately constructed grass-shack bar, working waterfall, island murals and live cockatoo may convince patrons to peer... brooklyn.citysearch.com
waikiki wally's - new york, ny, 10009 - brooklyn citysearch e 2nd st new york, ny the scenethe gods have at long last answered the prayers of nyc tiki devotees with a polynesian outpost that doesnt miss a trick. an elaborately constructed grass-shack bar, working waterfall, island murals and live cocka... brooklyn.citysearch.com
gayot restaurant reviews holy coconuts! the camp genius behind lucky chengis, hayne suthon, created his interpretation of the tiki bar (he even flew in don ho for the 2002 opening). and like lucky chengis, waikiki wallyis attracts its sh... gayot.com