About Me: People who know me have found that I can be a sweetheart who is very caring and listens. I like to research the places I like to oneday travel to with a couple of my friends. I have visited the Dominican Republic and also like to travel to the west coast maybe California because I saw many movies about it.
Hello friend i want to
improve my English
language . so please can
you help me . I am spoke
only Hindi . m w8ing here
your positive reply .
I have been working in
Internet Marketing. Now i
am doing off page
optimization in SEO
Specialties: - Link
Building, Directory Sub.,
Article Sub., Blog
Hello friend i want to
improve my English
language . so please can
you help me . I am spoke
Hindi and some English .
I do job in IT filed .
please reply me . m w8ing
here your positive reply
. Thanks !