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Zagreb Travel Guide

Zagreb is the capital of Croatia and with a population of nearly 950,000 it is the largest city in Croatia with its hundreds of years old tradition. It is a Croatian metropolis and the centre of the country, and the central meeting point for all Croats. As the Croatian metropolis, the largest banks, universities and a number of industry productions are developed here and nearly 24% of the country’s income is generated in Zagreb. There are over 50,000 students also studying in Zagreb.

Zagreb has rich historical heritage. The Stone Doors, the Eastern Doors of Gradec, were built in the 13th century. A chapel was added to the doors in the 18th century. The Virgin Mary is a protector of Zagreb and its inhabitant. For generations, Zagrebers come to the Stone Doors to light a candle and pray. And for the prayers heard, thanksgiving panels were placed along the walls of the doors.

Once could say that all the European cities are alike. But this is not the case with Zagreb. Generally speaking, the architecture and the town planning makes it harmonious. Zagreb consists of three parts: (1) the old (2) historical upper towns Gradec and Kaptol, the Middle Ages downtown and the new Zagreb, which is located across the Sava River. Great scenery of Zagreb can be seen just below the tower. A cable car connects the uptown and the downtown.

There are 22 museums in Zagreb. Many of the exhibits are unique ones in the world, for example, the scull of a proto-human from Krapina, the Egyptian mummy, the oldest epistal, etc. There are seven archives of the original historical material. There are seven galleries, six theaters and other carious cultural institutions in the City.

The Jesuit square is a centre of museums and galleries, names the Klovic’s Court. Especially significant in the Metrovic’s Gallery situatued in the house in which the greatest Croatian sculptor had lived and worked for 20 years. One of the most precious art collections in the world is in the Mimara museum on the Roosevelt square. Next to the Roosevelt square is the Theatre square and the administration building of the University of Zagreb, dating back to 1856. The Croatian National Theater built in 1995 is also located there.

The tower of Lotrscak was built in the 13th century for a defense of Dverce, the south city doors. The tower impresses with its simplicity. It used to have the bells on that would toll each time the door were closing. Today, every day at noon, the cannon from this tower fires off.

The tower Lotrscak was built in the 13C for a defense of Dverce, the South city doors. The tower impresses with its simplicity. It used to have the bells on that would toll each time the door we­re closing. Today, every day at noon the cannon from this tower fires off. Great scenery of Zagreb can be seen just bellow the tower. A rope railway is connecting the Upper town with the Downtown.

At the middle of the free town Gradec, St Mark's church is situ­ated. It was built in 1242 and it had been restored many times since then, especially during 1878. The bell-tower remained unchanged. The South por­ch, built in a late Ghotic style, is the most important part of the church. The inside is decorated with Kljakovic's pa­intings and Mestrovic's sculptures. The buildings around the church are the Houses of Parliament and the mansi­on of the Ministry of Croatia. A Histori­cal Ban's Palace is on the West side of the church. All the Croatian Bans (16 of them) had lived in the palace from 1809 on. The upper town impre­ssed with its beauty.

There is a forest Tuskanac on the West side of the Up­per town, in the heart of Zagreb. St. Catherine's Baroque church was built in 1632. It has got six - side chapels. St. Stephen's Cathedral is the most prominent building of the oldest part of Zagreb - Kaptol. Its pseudo-Ghotic towers (105 m high) were built at the end of the 19C. The Cathedral was fir­st mentioned in 1175, when bishop Prodan was inhumed in it. The Cathedral had been built in the 12C and the 13C and it was built in a Romantic -Ghotic style. When the Tatars dama­ged the Cathedral in 1242, bishop Stje-pan built he chapel for a temporary service. Re-building of today's Cathe­dral began at the end of the 13C.

An earthquake in 1880 damaged it and it was restored in a Neo gothic style. On the restoration worked famous Croati­an constructor with German origins, Herman Bole. For the last 10 years the Cathedral has been restored a num­ber of times. The Cathedral, together with the bishop's palace, is the bigge­st church building in Croatia, with a great collection of art objects. The bi­shop's palace dates from the 19C.

On the square in front of the Cathedral, the Virgin Mary statue with a fountain is placed. It is said that the statue was built in order to thank the Virgin Mary for saving Zagreb from plague. The fo­untain dates from 1873. The most at­tractive square in Zagreb, Ban Jela­cic square, is on the South. The statue of Ban Jelacic is placed there. The sta­tue history is just as interesting as the history of the Croats.

The town hall se-nat gave the Harmica square a new name the Ban Jelacic square. Today, the square stretches over the area of 10 880 km2. The statue of Je­lacic was ordered to be made from Antun Dominik Ferkoner, the sculpture from Wiena. The statue had been placed on the square in 1886 and had been secretly removed on the night from 25th to 26th of July 1947. The Zagrebers were forced to remain si­lent. Marks and Engels, the commu­nist theoreticians, proclaimed that Ban Jelacic was "the black" Marks procla­imed Ban a reactionary for stopping the Hungarian uprising in 1848. His statue was removed from the square, and the square was given a new name - the Republic of square.

After communism collapsed in Eu­rope and after the free elections in Cro­atia and after the independency of Croatia has been declared in 1991, the statue was restored and again placed on the square. East from the Ban Jela­cic square, in front of the City coffee­house, the fountain Mandusevac is si­tuated. Legend tells that the fountain was named after the beautiful girl from Zagreb. She met a handsome Ban and gave him water from the Fountain to drink. Her name was Manda, therefore it is believed that the fountain was named Mandusevac after her.This square symbolizes Zagreb, it is a centre of the city spirit. Buildings around it represent various styles, from Classicism, Neo baroque, Renaissance, Secession to Modernism and to the first Zagreb's skyscrapers. The foundation of the square began in the 17C.

Near the spring Mandusevac old huts were pulled down and area for market-place was provided. The spring Mandusevac was turned into a fountain. A city square was crea­ted, accessible to everyone from Gric, Kaptol and Vlaska street. First hou­ses were built on the market place.

The street leading from the Jelacic square to the Zrinjevac square was built in 1852. The building in which today's Varteks department store is si­tuated was built in 1882. The first tram passed through the Jelacic square in 1911. Each of the square buildings, especially those on the North side, were built in a different style. Never­theless, the whole area looks compact together with the Skyscraper built in 1958. Many of the Zagrebers do not approve of the Skyscraper because of its tasteless image, but throughout the time it has become a popular mo­tive of Zagreb, together with the Cat­hedral and the Zrinjevac square.

The Skyscraper also marks the beginning of the longest street of Zagreb - llica street, the most attractive shopping area in the city. The main market pla­ce Dolac is situated nearby, as well as the Tkalciceva street-the famous catering area. The Ban Jelacic squa­re and the Railway station area are most attractive for tourists. The full grasp of Zagreb is achieved in this area. It is a centre of the town, the best hotels, restaurants,-coffee - shops, nightclubs and inns are located he­re. It is an area filled with music and songs. Next to the Railway station is the King Tomislav square. The bron­ze statue of the king is placed on it. Tomislav was crowned to be the first Croatian king in 925 in the village Kongora on Duvanjsko Polje.

The statue was made by Croatian sculpture Robert Franges Mihanovic (1871-1940). The extension of this city district is the Ante Starcevic square. Ante Starcevic was the "father of the country", an ideologist of the independent Croatia and a founder of the Party of Rights. Bellow the square, under the ground, is the biggest mo­dern shopping mall "Importane" with dozens of shops, catering services and underground garages. Nearby, the famous hotel "Esplanada" is situ­ated, the Railway station and the Star­cevic house too.

The Starcevic house is nowadays a citiy library. On the top op the building a statue "Genius of Educational system" is placed. Tho­se are mostly remains of the Austro-Hungarian architecture. This district is called Zrinjevas and it stretches from the Railway station to the Jelacic squ­are. It is the heart of Zagreb.

The trains frequently pass through this area. The natives, visitors, the old and the young meet here, the ways to the out­skirts of the town as well as to the cen­tre, lead from here. Zrinjevac was named after Nikola Su-bic Zrinski in 1866 on the anniversary (300 yrs) of his death. He was killed in Siget, fighting against the Turks. The palaces around this square are: the District Court building, built in 1877, the Greater Court building, today's Supreme Court, a Renaissance building - the Croatian Art and Science Aca­demy, built in 1880, the Pavilion of mu­sic, built in 1884. On the Strossmayer square, the sta­tue of bishop Strossmayer is situated. He was a founder of the Academy and was a great Croatian donator. The Pa­vilion of Art was built in 1898.

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