Opicina Opicina, Trieste, 34016 |
A scenic and romantic way to get up to Trieste's Carso is by going in the tram. This old rail system was opened in 1902 and has become part of local folklore, there are even local, traditional songs about it. The tram is... more
REVIEWS ( 1 ) |
Civico Museo Morpurgo Via Imbriani, 5, Trieste, 34122 |
Itinerari sotto le Stelle tra Arte e Musica sono percorsi guidati attraverso i più rappresentativi musei e siti darte e cultura del Friuli Venezia Giulia. Lintento delliniziativa &egr... more
REVIEWS ( 13 ) |
Azienda regionale per la promozione turistica Via Rossini, 6, Trieste, 34132 |
Particolarmente accurata la scelta dei pezzi che saranno in esposizione e si prevedono delle interessanti anteprime. Il romantico mondo dei transatlantici torna �a casa�: nell�alveo naturale della Stazione Marittima le l... more
REVIEWS ( 9 ) |
Museo degli sloveni in Italia Via Petronio, 4, Trieste, 34138 |
Yahoo Iberia S.L. no es un agente de viajes y no cobra a sus usuarios por los servicios que presta en esta secci�n. Yahoo Iberia S.L. proporciona informaci�n sobre servicios y productos suministrados por terceras compa��... more
REVIEWS ( 9 ) |
Galleria dei Rettori Piazza Vecchia, 6, Trieste, 34121 |
Here is another small but wonderful jewel in the art and culture of Trieste, hidden among the alleys of the old city behind Piazza della Borsa and Piazza dell'Unità dell'Italia. This refined and elegant gallery ex... more
REVIEWS ( 8 ) |
Grotta del Mitreo San Giovanni al Timavo, Duino Aurisina, 34013 |
La Grotta Gigante è considerata la caverna turistica più grande del mondo, inserita nel Guinness dei Primati dal 1995; è sita presso Trieste, nel comprensorio turistico di Borgo Grotta Gigante, frazi... more
REVIEWS ( 5 ) |
Tempio Israelitico Via San Francesco, 19, Trieste, 34133 |
This synagogue was founded as an Israelite temple on the 27th June 1912. It was built by Ruggero and Arduino Berlam who were well known architects in Trieste at the time. Today it is recognised as one of the largest and ... more
REVIEWS ( 5 ) |
Trieste Espresso Expo P.le de Gasperi, 1, Fiera Trieste, Trieste, 34139 |
This event is the most specialized Italian espresso coffee show, where you can discover the various aspects of Italian coffee. With the number of visitors doubling every 2 years, it has gained popularity among coffee ind... more
REVIEWS ( 5 ) |
Alpe Adria Cinema - Trieste Film Festival Via del Monte, 2/1 (segreteria organizzativa), Trieste, 34100 |
treads the now-familiar territory of how wonderful it was in the old East Germany and how difficult it all is now The Wall has come down. Only in this case we soon realise that everything wasn't so rosy for Marcel in the... more
REVIEWS ( 4 ) |
San Giovanni in Tuba San Giovanni al Timavo, Duino Aurisina, 34013 |
We and our content providers (“we”) have tried to make the information on this website as accurate as possible, but it is provided ‘as is’ and we accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or i... more
REVIEWS ( 4 ) |