Stadthalle Offenbach Waldstrasze 312, Dietzenbach, 63128 |
With a capacity of 3,000, the Stadthalle is one of the largest and most important concert halls in the Frankfurt area and attracts rock and pop bands which are too big for the...
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Gartenbad Fechenheim Konstanzer Strasze 16, Fechenheim, Frankfurt am Main, 60386 |
Fechenheim is situated on a bend of the river between Offenbach and Fechenheim Forest, and combines natural beauty with the questionable charms of an industrial district. The baths have plenty to offer: as well as a mult... more
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St. Leonhardskirche Am Leonhardstor 25, Frankfurt am Main, 60311 |
St. Leonard's is Frankfurt's oldest parish church. It was started in 1219 as a flat-ceiling basilica with slender east towers over side apses. These little towers give the church its unique look even to this day. The arc... more
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Dominikanerkloster mit Heilig-Geist-Kirche Kurt-Schumacher-Strasze 23, Frankfurt am Main, 60311 |
This Dominican monastery, destroyed during the Second World War, was rebuilt in 1954-58 and is now used as the administrative building and conference venue for the Evangelical...
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Fastnachtsumzug Frankfurt Untermainkai, Frankfurt am Main, 60311 |
is the largest parade in the Hessen area, with more than 6,000 participants dancing and singing...
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Villa Mumm Kennedyallee 151, Sachsenhausen, Frankfurt am Main, 60598 |
In 1904, a wine merchant by the name of Hermann Mumm built this black brick domicile in neo-classical style. The symmetrical construction is made more pronounced by a vaulted...
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Saalhof Saalgasse 19, Frankfurt am Main, 60311 |
Located on the bank of the River Main, the Saalhof originally served as a residence for feudal rulers. Sold to the patrician Jakob Knoblauch in 1333, the palace was turned into...
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Wave im Hilton Hochstrasze 4, Frankfurt, 60313 |
This exclusive fitness studio in the new five-star Hilton Hotel is a new addition to Frankfurt's fitness scene. But if you want to become a member, you have to be ready to spend...
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Rathaus Seckbach Hofhausstrasze 2, Seckbach, Frankfurt am Main, 60389 |
Half-timbered baroque style houses shape the district of Seckbach, which was first refered to in documents back in 882. The town hall was built in the first half of the 16th...
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Volksbildungsheim Eschersheimer Landstrasze 40, Frankfurt am Main, 60322 |
Located on the edge of the inner city, the Volksbildungsheim (Adult Education Centre) - a red sandstone building with a neo-baroque and art deco façade - used to be home...
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